Chia Seeds Singapore, Where to Buy and Save

(Discounts and Price Comparisons Below)

Grown in Mexico and harvested from the desert plant Salvia Hispanica (also known as ‘Chia’), there is evidence to suggest that Chia Seeds have been cultivated since the time of the Mayans and the Aztechs.

‘Chia’ also means strength, and folklore suggests that its tiny black and white seeds were also used as energy boosters.That makes sense, as chia seeds are a concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium.chia seed singapore cookies

Unlike Flax seeds which need to be grounded for its nutrients to be absorbed by the body, Chia seeds can be eaten whole and unprocessed. Because it’s so dense with antioxidants, Chia seeds also keep longer than Flax seeds.

Black and white Chia seeds are available. Mixtures will have a higher ratio of black seeds to white seeds as black Chia seeds are cheaper. Differences are mostly cosmetic as they have the same nutritional value and can be used interchangeably.

Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

There were suggestions that Chia Seeds might help with weight loss. This may not be entirely true however. A small study from the Appalachian State University in North Carolina found little to no change in weight, fat loss or appetite.

Still, Chia seeds are highly nutritious, tasty and easy to digest, making it a great addition to anybody’s diet.

Prices around Singapore

For comparisons sake, here are some products that can be found around Singapore. Click to enlarge it.

Where to buy

Below are the prices from iHerb. With the comparisons above, you can see why recommends iHerb for all your supplement and organic purchases.


chia seeds singapore now whiteNow Foods
Real Food, White Chia Seed
1 lb (454 g)

A tasty treat with a mild flavor that can be eaten on their own or added to many of your favorite recipes. Also an excellent topping for salads, yogurts, puddings, and more.

OG: SGD$29.90
iHerb: US$8.95 (SGD$ 11.95) or less


chia seeds singapore nutiva mixedNutiva
Organic Chia Seeds
12 oz (340 g)

Revered by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, these mighty seeds packed with omega 3s, protein, antioxidants and fiber.

Cold Storage: Black Chia Seeds SGD$22.50 
: Black Chia Seeds, US$12.08 (SGD$ 16.14) or less.
Cold Storage: White Chia Seeds SGD$22.90
iHerb: White Chia Seeds, US$13.92 (SGD$ 18.59) or less

chia seeds singapore nutiva black bigNutiva
Organic Chia Seeds, Black
32 oz (907 g)

Black organic black chia seeds in bulk 907g packs for the best value

OG: The Chia Co, 1kg, $66.30
US$25.74 (SGD$ 34.38) or less


Click to see more Chia Seed products at iHerb

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